Exhibition Stands

Big to small stands, all budgets considered

Modular stands designed to show you what can be done in your own space. Take a look at the following stand designs and see how they can be customised for your specific business needs. From the small and effective to the large and show-stopping, here are a number of different booth layouts to fit any space.

Whether you’re looking for a stand design that showcases your products and allows space for customer engagement or graphics and AV that catch a passer-by’s attention, Expo Supplies offers extensive service on all design and build elements onsite at The NEC.


Stand Enquiry From

Call us +44 (0) 121 780 4851


Our Expo Supplies store staff are on hand to help aid you in your build if ever you forget anything, we offer beMatrix rental onsite and larger Xtreme solutions through Taylex Group.

Expo Supplies Map - Click for directions

Located within The NEC

Located within The NEC Expo Supplies has secured a prime location by The NEC Birmingham. Situated at the back of Hall 3 opposite door 3.4

Opening hours

Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm

Saturday & Sunday - 8am to 4pm

(Open weekends for build days only, times may differ)